"Cybersix" he said "she hid this from me the whole time, it seems that what used to be my best friend at school is actually the woman that I love truelly. It is so frustrating I can’t believe I never noticed! I’m so stupid!”
As he walked through the halls he heard a painful moaning sound "guuuuuh" so he stopped right in his tracks.
"Wha... who’s there show yourself! Oh I must be.”
"guhhh" there it was again.
"Alright show yourself now! I command you!" he grabbed his keys and put his back straight against the wall and began slowly walking on his side.
"Heeelpp" it said with a low painful mumble. He ran to his room and unlocked the door. He swerved around and shut the door. While he was facing it he heard the sound of a leg switch. Oh no. A fixed idea? he said in his mind.
"Luucas pleasse please helpp help me Lucas." He turned around to find Cybersix!
"CYBERSIX!" he screamed in terror. She was covered in thick red blood serenading her from head to toe.
"Please Lucas there is no need to shout " she mumbled.
"But, but Cybersix you are going to die if we don’t take you too a hospital! Right away!”
"Lucas I can not be revealed to Meridianna." Said Cybersix.
"What do I do then, I’m not going to sit here and watch you die!"
"Lucas please?" She said.
"I'll call for help stay here ok? Don’t move". Suddenly Lucas ran too the telephone. "What is Yashimoto’s number?”
“Its 333-7686."
"Ok” he replied
"Yashimoto private eye speaking who is this may I ask?"
"Lucas Amato, a friend of Cybersix, come to her apartment now please! It’s a big emergency!"
"I’m on my way!" He said. He hung up. Yashimoto grabbed his jacket and ran out the door.
"He said that he’d be here right away!" Suddenly the door swung wide open. "Cybersix?" He said
"Right here." She replied.
After Yashimoto and Lucas cleaned off the blood she got up weakly and got changed. "I guess you can stay here tonight then?" Cybersix didn’t answer and fell on the bed. "Good night" she was already asleep. The next morning when Lucas woke up he noticed that Cybersix was gone. So was her black night suit. "Cybersix?" he said.
As Cybersix jumped from side to side on the buildings after being healed she smiled to herself and said " brother wherever you are I swear I will find you!"
By Catlin Toom a.k.a. Rapid260
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