Friend or foe


Slowly after cybersix was pondering to herself she caught an unexpected glimpse of a dark shadow in the night."Ohh great trouble just this early in the morning why? I thought that all the fixed ideas were dead and Jose too"."Perhaps it,s just a long lost well surviving fixed idea that will soon be really fixed!!".So right there she stopped and made an incredible leap down too the streets.The shadow raced across the streets. Almost as fast as cybersix. then she saw that the thing she was up against was very fast."Maybe just one of Von Ritcher best i guess" she said . She began to leap across the long alies in stead of running.She almost caught the body but missed." hey you stop and fight!! " she cried.The figure stopped."If you are Von Ritcher,s surviving creature than come out and show some guts!!" cried cybersix.It crept closer."What do you have against me!" it cried "Your nothing but a low life creation from Von Richter!" "You evil creation stop hiding your identity and fight!" yelled cybersix.Cybersix heard a noise and turned around.while she was turned around she heard a sound of leaping."No! wait!" yelled cybersix to the shadow .She saw that it had truely left."Ohhh no i guess i,ll have to deal with this thing later".As cybersix turned around to leave she kept thinking of the thing the shadow that she was up against. maybe it was stronger than her.then she suddenly felt like she was being watched. she stopped dead in her tracks.then she felt something touch her back and slowly turned aroung to find....... TO BE CONTINUED.... By Catlin Toom

Main Lab

Disclaimer:Cybersix is © by TMS and NOA © also by Carlos Trillo and Carlos Meglia, therefore all images and writings besides fan works are copyright.
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